"The fear of יהוה is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Set-apart One is understanding"

Reusable Bags

And Elohim said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the earth.â€

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Reusable Bags

Postby Chayil_Ishshah » 23 Dec 2007, 16:06


A tov friend of mine got me one of the cotton string bags. I really like it and it does well, when I remember to take it to the store!! :? :lol:


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Postby Lambchop » 06 Jan 2008, 03:31

I saw a woman at the grocery store not to long ago that had several cotton bags that she was placing her food in. The cashier looked really upset that the woman wouldn't use the plastic bags. I thought , that's a good idea. I do not like plastic bags, cause they are not good for many things. So once a month, I load them all up, and take them to Wal-Mart and put in the recycle bins. :)
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Postby kickme » 06 Jan 2008, 03:59

seems to me that cotton bags would be excellent.
how many times have you seen the paper and plastic ones tear? then stuff spills, and is so annoying.
cotton bags would be strong enough to hold an anvil

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Postby Lambchop » 06 Jan 2008, 17:20

I think that's why people wind up with so many plastic bags cause they won't hold nothing.
I do know that if you are shopping at Wal-Mart and your plastic bags tears and whatever you have bought spills, breaks, whatever, due to the heavyness of the contents in a single bag, Wal-Mart will replace it. As long as its not alcohol products. (the law won't allow this) and if it happens while still on store property.
Years ago I was asst. grocery mgr. at a Wal-Mart and cashiers was constantly being told to "double bag" heavy items. Do they listen? NO ! So
the manager of the store started writting them up when this happened. So many write ups and warnings and they was out the door.
So cotton bags are really a good safe way of not loosing what you have bought.
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Postby Chayil_Ishshah » 06 Jan 2008, 18:09

Meijer stores just came out with a reusable shopping bag. They are only $.99 each. The tag reads:

Our commitment to our customers includes being good stewards of the environment. That is why we offer an earth-friendly alternative to disposable shopping bags.

They are relatively sturdy and decent sized. Of course, they say MEIJER on the side of them, but hey, so did the plastic bags... :roll:


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Postby chosen » 06 Feb 2008, 16:59

you can get cotton string bags at wild oats stores. i used to find them at the thrift stores in santa fe, when i lived there. they are wonderfully strong and hold lots more than the plastic bags the stores use.

here is a link to re-usuable bags.



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