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Exerpt from The Killing of Paradise Planet by Jonathon Gray

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Exerpt from The Killing of Paradise Planet by Jonathon Gray

Postby Chayil_Ishshah » 09 Mar 2014, 21:55

Chapter 6
The first world (e)

Did you know that most metals in their purer state are TRANSPARENT?

When our astronauts went to the moon, they wore visors coated with transparent gold – and they could see through them clearly. The gold protected them – shielded them – from cosmic radiation.

(That reminds me that a 2,000 year old book – the “Revelation” - speaks of transparent gold)(1)


During their research on the hydrogen bomb, physicists at Laurence Livermore National laboratories took the elements of water and compressed them under super-cold, cryogenic temperatures. Hydrogen (an element of water) became near-metallic in form. It took on the characteristics of metal. It became transparent, fiber-optic, superconductive, ferromagnetic and crystalline.

The implication of this are tremendous, if we consult a very ancient description of our planet as it once used to be.

The Hebrew book of Genesis is not a book on science, yet investigation into some of its statements, on occasions when it dips into scientific matters, has astonished me with its scientific accuracy. In its unique way, Genesis states that above our earth the Creator stretched a “firmament”. This “firmament” was in the middle, with water above and water beneath.

The Hebrew word for “firmament”, as we noted earlier, is raqiya, which means to press or pound together into thin metal sheets. This seems to imply that the canopy, or arch of the heavens, was formed and stretched out around this earth in thin metal sheets.

One may be puzzled by this metallic description of the “firmament” given in Genesis. However, as an archaeologist working on other projects in the Middle East, I have learned that it pays to take ancient biblical statements literally, just as the writer intended. And in doing so, it has been possible to solve questions that still elude some other archaeologist.

It was the same approach to Homer that enabled Schliemann to discover Troy.

So what is Genesis trying to tell us? Why is this metallic description of the “firmament” given in Genesis?

It is now known that under super-cold conditions, with great pressure and tremendous energy, the hydrogen in water binds together in a crystalline lattice.

One can envision a canopy above the earth consisting of compressed energized hydrogen taking on near-metallic characteristics. This would be in the middle of a solid water formation suspended about eleven miles above the earth.

According to the laws of physics, this canopy, to avoid being absorbed into the atmosphere, would have needed to be a solid canopy.


“It is now known that under super-cold conditions, with great pressure and tremendous energy, the hydrogen in water binds together in a crystalline lattice.”

Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows (699) of the heavens were opened.





Feminine participle passive of H693 (as if for lurking); a lattice; (by implication) a window, dove cot (because of the pigeon holes), chimney (with its apertures for smoke), sluice (with openings for water):



Such a canopy, being crystalline and ferromagnetic, would transfer energy.

The energy of the sun upon this layer of hydrogen would cause a gentle pink glow. This is the color that is produced by energized hydrogen.

During the day, the greater penetration of light would produce varying shades of pink. The lowest pink hue would be at noon, due to the angle of the light passing through the firmament canopy.

In the lesser light of night a deeper shade of pink was seen, in addition to an enhanced moon. At sunrise and sunset it was a vivid pink; and at midnight the sky appeared magenta pink.

When it was night on one side of the planet, there would be a transfer of energy from the day side of the earth along the curved lines of the canopy. Electromagnetic energy would be carried along the lines of near-metallic hydrogen, which was fiber-optic in nature.

The result would be a twilight glow on the night side of the earth. Earth's inhabitants never saw total darkness.


Scientists and researchers are discovering that the most important color in the entire spectrum is pink. Energized hydrogen in the canopy giving off the pink glow helped to contribute to the enormous size of plant life.

Biologists have found that under pink light the greatest plant growth is encouraged. It is pink light which optimally triggers the growth of cells withing plants. Not only do plants grow better under pink light, but people respond in mood to pink light. Under the right spectrum of pink light, the brain secrets norepinephren, which is a natural tranquillizer and neurotransmitter.

In the antediluvian (pre-Flood) world, the various spectra of pink light dominated, with a gentle pink glow day and night. The tranquility of man's environment contributed to his brain working at maximum efficiency.


The invisible canopy formed a huge orbital lens, causing the stars to appear larger and much more numerous than they would appear to people on earth today. In those days the stars would appear about three times brighter. They would have been magnified and photo-multiplied with vibrant color.

Ancient records among many cultures recall a time in the past when the sky “hung low” - appearing closer.

As a matter of fact, I was this morning reminded of this when I read the report of an Australian Aboriginal legend. It speaks of a time when “the sky was close to the ground” and of an event in which “Yondi raised the sky.” (2)

This myth conveys the startling difference between the antediluvian heavens and the sky as it is viewed in the present age.

NASA discovered some years ago that not only are stars emitting radio wave energy, but that there is a music on those radio waves. And to their amazement they found that the music being emitted is in a major key – it is harmonious.

Astonished scientists compared the music being emitted from these star sources to the instruments of an orchestra that are all in tune with each other.(3)


Job 38:7 when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?


Imagine it! Radio waves passing through the canopy and radiating sound – a beautiful harmony of sound.

The stars, as we know, shine in various colors – some are red, others gold, or green, yellow, amber, and so on.

In that original world, a person looking up through the canopy could see the stars in beautiful full color.

Each morning, as the earth rotated toward the sun, when the angle was just right, the radio waves from the universe would be amplified by the crystalline canopy. (You may be aware that crystals amplify long radio waves.) Thus this “music” could be heard on earth.

Whist the canopy would permit the long waves of energy to go right through it, it would filter out the harmful shortwave radiation. What a wonderful world! It's as though all this was intentionally put together.!

The Killing of Paradise Planet (link to book in .pdf)
Lost history from the pre-Flood world

Book 1 of 3; pages 50-54

Jonathan Gray

  • Revelation 21:18

  • Roman Black, Old and New Australian Aboriginal Art, “The Story of the Boomerang”

  • Carl E. Baugh, Panorama of Creation, p.66
Repent, for the reign of the heavens is at hand.

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