"The fear of יהוה is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Set-apart One is understanding"

Who protects us?

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Who protects us?

Postby Chayil_Ishshah » 25 Mar 2008, 12:38

Shalom All~

I'm re-reading "The Two Babylons" by Hislop and on page 50-51 it reads:

The amazing extent of the worship of this man indicates something very extraordinary in his character; and there is ample reason to believe, than in his own day he was an object of high popularity. Though by setting up as king, Nimrod invaded the patriarchal system, and abridged the liberties of mankind, yet he was held by many to have conferred benefits upon them , that amply indemnified them for the loss of their liberties, and covered him with glory and renown. By the time that he appeared, the wild beasts of the forest multiplying more rapidly than the human race, must have committed great depredations on the scattered and straggling populations of the earth, and must have inspired great terror into the minds of men. The danger arising to the lives of men from such a source as this, when population is scanty, is implied in the reason given by Elohim Himself for not driving out the doomed Canaanites before Israel at once, though the measure of their iniquity was full: "I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against you. By little and little I will drive them out from before you, until you be increased."

The exploits of Nimrod, therefore, in hunting down the wild beasts of the field, and ridding the world of monsters, must have gained for him the character of a pre-eminent benefactor of his race. By this means, not less than by the bands he trained, was his power acquired, when he FIRST began to be mighty upon the earth; and in the same way, no doubt, was that power consolidated. Then, over and above, as the first great city-builder after the flood, by gathering men together in masses, and surrounding them with walls, he did still more to enable them to pass their days in security, free from the alarms to which they had been exposed in their scattered life, when no one could tell but that at any moment he might be called to engage in deadly conflict with prowling wild beasts, in defense of his own life and of those who were dear to him. Within the battlements of a fortified city no such danger from savage animals was to be dreaded; and for the security afforded in this way, men no doubt looked upon themselves as greatly indebted to Nimrod. .

No wonder, therefore, that the name of the "mighty hunter," who was at the same time the prototype of "the god of fortifications," should have become a name of renown. Had Nimrod gained renown only thus, it had been well. But not content with delivering men from the fear of wild beasts, he set to work also to emancipate them from that fear of Yahuah which is the beginning of wisdom, and in which alone true happiness can be found. For this very thing, he seems to have gained, as one of the titles by which men delighted to honor him, the title of the "Emancipator", or "Deliverer."

How many people today rely on "City Services"? Police, ambulance, fire department, street crews, and the like? The taxes that are paid to support such services to provide protection... who's system is in control here?

(and no, I'm not saying calling the cops/fire dept/etc is a sin...)

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Postby Luneee » 25 Mar 2008, 21:46

This is the hook of the United States.

As I live today, Yahuah has shown me the power of knowing how to escape by the knowledge of how trusts work.

Receive a benefit? You are subject to the trust that provided that benefit.

I am happy that you see this, sister.

Jay Vincent.

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Postby kickme » 25 Mar 2008, 22:14

It's why I'm exempt from SS stuff. Don't want it, don't want to pay in.
Government is for infrastructure, not social services.
Yeah, I'll probably get bashed for that statement

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Postby LittleKangaDrinkingWine » 26 Mar 2008, 03:10

It is our belief that Jer. 50 and 51 speak of end time Israel living in a type of Babylon or a Babylonian system. In other words, the government of the United States of America is Babylon, but the people that founded this nation and the ones that are now in the minority (the Anglo Saxons) are Israel. Thus end time Israelites live in Babylon.

Chapter 50 is all about Babylon and their sin (as a governement). Chapter 51 tells those (of Israel) who are in babylon to flee and get out. A kind of "come out of her my people" type of statement (Rev. 18:4).

The debate is really whether or not this is actually speak of actually leaving the country or just come out of the system and stay put in the country and do the best you can until the end.

I'm not sure how I feel about what this means. If it does mean flee the country (Jer. 51:6), the question arises, "where do we go?"

A close reading of much of the rest of the scripture shows that those of Israel that do remain will either go into a state of captivity or die by the sword or famine. I've never been an advocate of looking to save one own life, but after looking at Jer. 50 and 51, I now see things a little differently.


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Postby chuckbaldwin » 26 Mar 2008, 03:47

LittleKangaDrinkingWine wrote:It is our belief that Jer. 50 and 51 speak of end time Israel living in a type of Babylon or a Babylonian system.
So far, i agree...
In other words, the government of the United States of America is Babylon, but the people that founded this nation and the ones that are now in the minority (the Anglo Saxons) are Israel. Thus end time Israelites live in Babylon.
If you mean "spiritually Babylon", then i still agree, but if you mean the US Government is literally the "Mother of harlots" in Rev.17, then WHO are/were the 7 "mountains"/kingdoms that the US Government sits/sat upon?
The debate is really whether or not this is actually speak of actually leaving the country or just come out of the system and stay put in the country and do the best you can until the end.

I'm not sure how I feel about what this means. If it does mean flee the country (Jer. 51:6), the question arises, "where do we go?"
Good point. I think if it does mean to leave the country (as in the "place in the wilderness" of Rev.12), i think either YHWH will have to supernaturally show us when & where to go, or the final CAPTIVITY will take us to the "wilderness", where YHWH will speak encouragingly to us (Hos.2:14). I tend to think it'll be the latter, but i'm sure this needs further contemplation & discussion.
Chuck Baldwin
By this shall all men know you are my disciples: if you have love one for another.

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Postby LittleKangaDrinkingWine » 27 Mar 2008, 01:13


It has to be spiritual Babylon. Physical Babylon was ended by YHWH Himself. Thus we agree, right up until the point that we do not know what to do about it. LOL
Kanga Dude

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